Parenting Phrases to Develop a Growth Mindset

I want to raise my daughter with a growth mindset. What is that? In a nutshell, it’s about believing that your intelligence and personality can be developed. You can affect your outcome…

What is the Role of a Parent?

What is a parent’s role?

Every culture has its iteration of what it means to be a parent. What is the parent’s job? In Italy many children stay home until they’re married. So, the role of a parent extends far beyond say, in Australia…

5 Best Resources for New Dads

Congratulations! You’re going to be a father. There is no feeling more exciting yet terrifying at the same time. If the thought of having a child within the next nine months doesn’t scare you in the least, then you’re likely going to be unexpectedly thrown in the deep end and expected to tread water. If having a baby does make you feel a little anxious then you’re in good company…