What is the Role of a Parent?

What is a parent’s role?

Every culture has its iteration of what it means to be a parent. What is the parent’s job? In Italy many children stay home until they’re married. So, the role of a parent extends far beyond say, in Australia…

Is Sgrassatore Toxic? The Italian Cleaning Obsession You Need to Know About

Hey there, fellow moms and occasional cleaners! This morning I ever so gently asked our cleaning lady to stop using sgrassatore on cookware… for the second time. I can still smell it, I think if I can smell the chemicals from the cleaning agent wafting off my oven trays, pots and pans this cannot be a good thing… right? This was met with a defiant “then it won’t be clean!” Ever asked yourself, “Is Sgrassatore toxic?” If you’ve been around any Italian household, you know that sgrassatore—the Italian word for degreaser—is like the Holy Grail of cleaning products. Italians use it on everything from oven trays and pans to air fryers and other cooking surfaces. It’s like their secret weapon against any hint of grease. But let’s take a step back and look at why this obsession with cleanliness might be a bit too intense, especially when it comes to our health. Because I’m no crunchy mofo but, let’s be real, health should always come before the mere impression of cleanliness, right? What is Sgrassatore? For those who haven’t been introduced to this powerhouse…

How to Be the Best Aunt Ever to a Toddler

Being an aunt to a toddler is a unique and rewarding experience. As the proud aunt, you have the opportunity to play a significant role in the child’s life, fostering a special bond filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. This article aims to guide you on how to be the best aunt ever to a toddler, creating a lasting and positive impact on their early years. One of the most important ways to be the best aunt is to be present and engaged in the toddler’s life. Spend quality time with them, whether it’s during family gatherings, playdates, or one-on-one adventures. Be genuinely interested in their activities, stories, and milestones. Your undivided attention will make them feel loved and valued. Toddlers thrive on play and exploration. Embrace your inner child and get down on their level to engage in imaginative play. Build forts, create arts and crafts, play dress-up, or simply enjoy a good old game of hide-and-seek. Your enthusiasm and willingness to play will leave a lasting impression on their growing minds. As the toddler grows, they will start to express themselves more. Be there to lend…

Flying With Toddler During COVID-19: My Experience

Last week, after being away for more than half a year (unplanned), I bit the bullet and decided that it was time to fly back to home to Italy with my toddler. Flying with toddler during COVID-19 was never on the cards. Especially not alone. We thought we would ride out this debacle in Taiwan (the safest place in the world) but 3 months turned into 4 and then 5 and then I started to worry my daughter would no longer even know her dad anymore. I would have gone back sooner (okay, maybe by only a couple of weeks) but seeing as many airlines stopped flying direct or routes that would mean I would only need to make ONE transfer from Taipei to Milan, I had to wait. I wasn’t going to fly alone with a toddler and do multiple layovers during a pandemic. No, no… not my style. I was so nervous about flying with my daughter who is now just a few days shy of 2 years old even though we had the luxury of flying business class on Emirates. Which Seats to Get on the Plane When Flying Solo with Toddler during…